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"Strength, Durability & Workability"

Harper timber carry plywood for all applications including Construction, Flooring, Joinery, Cladding & Panelling. A huge selection of veneers are also available. We can supply Plywood cut to size on request.

Available Plywood Grades & Sizes

GradeCommon UsageSize (mm)
DDConstruction / Utility7 × 1200 × 2400
9 × 1200 × 2400
12 × 1200 × 2400
15 × 1200 × 2400
17 × 1200 × 2400


Construction / Utility4.5 × 1200 × 2400
7 × 1200 × 2400
9 × 1200 × 2400
10 × 1200 × 2400
12 × 1200 × 2400
15 × 1200 × 2400
17 × 1200 × 2400
18 × 1200 × 2400
19 × 1200 × 2400
21 × 1200 × 2400
25 × 1200 × 2400
27 × 1200 × 2400 Special order
33 × 1200 × 2400 Special Order
CCJoinery / Exterior4 × 1200 × 2400
6 × 1200 × 2400
9 × 1200 × 2400
12 × 1200 × 2400
15 × 1200 × 2400
18 × 1200 × 2400
25 × 1200 × 2400
FormPlyConstruction / Utility12 × 1200 × 1800
12 × 1200 × 2400
17 × 1200 × 1800
17 × 1200 × 2400
19 × 1200 × 1800
19 × 1200 × 2400
25 × 1200 × 1800
25 × 1200 × 2400
Marine PlyJoinery / Exterior Usage4 × 1200 × 2400
7 × 1200 × 2400
13 × 1200 × 2400
16 × 1200 × 2400
19 × 1200 × 2400
25 × 1200 × 2400

Also Available is Floorply, Plybracing, Shadowclad H3 treated, Treated Plywood H2 & H3, Interior Plywood, Hoop A or B Face, Lauan Plywood including grades AA, AC, BB, BC, BD, CC, CD, DD and strength ratings F8, F11 & F14